How to Generate $678,000 in Sales in 6 Days with a $100,000 Advertising Investment

How to Generate $678,000 in Sales in 6 Days with a $100,000 Advertising Investment

Coco Village is a Quebec brand that offers items for children on its website, including beds, toys, wooden bikes and play tents.
It’s an e-commerce site that's used to spending several thousand dollars on Facebook advertising each month in order to sell its products in Canada.
For Black Friday, Coco Village has asked us to maintain a strong return on investment by increasing its budget to $100,000 per month, which is double what it spent during the other months of the year.

Our Initial Assessment

  • During Black Friday weekend, the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) increases by 100%.
  • According to Facebook, campaigns prior to Black Friday are still profitable after a delay of 28 days.
  • Reaching a cold audience on Black Friday lowers the ROAS of the campaign.

Our Objectives

  • No soliciting a cold audience during Black Friday, to maximize our ROAS.
  • Maintain a very high ROAS even if the CPM costs us more.
  • Communicate with clients outside of Facebook, in order to engage with them for free. 

Our Strategy

  • Create "VIP" email lists for people to take advantage of promotions before everyone else (48 hours before).
  • Reach as many new people as possible before Black Friday...
  • …in order to target ONLY warm audiences (which are more profitable) during Black Friday.

Case studies
$100 000


$100,000 advertising investment during Black Friday



$678,000 in revenue generated from the advertising campaign



ROAS of 3.94 during the whole month of November 2019

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