Are you familiar with The Facebook Ads Tripwire? (Case Studies)

Are you familiar with The Facebook Ads Tripwire? (Case Studies)

In this episode we welcome Alexis Hernandes, Media Buyer at J7 Media.

Alexis presents an IM-PE-CCABLE case study about an AB test he carried out on Facebook Ads.

It all starts with a Tripwire, a sales funnel that allows you to sell a product/service that would be difficult to sell in its entirety in parts.

The idea is to start with a low-price offer (€100) and then follow up with an upsell offer to top it off.

This sales funnel is PERFECT for infopreneurs and Alexis explains how he conducted a simple AB test that taught him a valuable lesson about tripwires.

It's sure to improve your own results if you're planning to launch one!





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