Cédric Morisset - How "La Cordée" went into hypergrowth, opening 3 branches in the last 14 months (REPEAT)

Episode 289

Cédric Morisset - How "La Cordée" went into hypergrowth, opening 3 branches in the last 14 months (REPEAT)

From closing its doors to finally opening branch after branch...

This short sentence aptly reflects the dynamics that have unfolded at La Cordée since the start of the pandemic.

The organization had some financial difficulties, but finally a new group of shareholders arrived.

A new president was appointed...and a growth plan was put in place.

Cédic Morisset, President of La Cordée, is with us today to tell us how this turnaround came about, and also how impressive the company's growth has been in recent years.

And in addition to the world of business, you're about to discover an incredible habit that Cedric has been following on a daily basis for the past 7 years.

Without further ado, my conversation with Cédric Morisset.

Learn more about La Cordée: https://www.lacordee.com/

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