G-Soft raises $125M, Messi ends up in Miami and Apple enters the Metaverse

Episode 233

G-Soft raises $125M, Messi ends up in Miami and Apple enters the Metaverse

Welcome to another episode of the Hypergrowth podcast!

This week, we'll be talking about a variety of topics.

G-Soft raises $125M for acquisitions: https://www.lapresse.ca/affaires/entreprises/2023-06-06/la-caisse-injecte-125-millions-dans-gsoft.php

Messi ends up in Miami in a very creative deal: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lionel-messi-reportedly-getting-paid-152548098.html

Apple launches its first headset: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/apple/apple-headset-vision-pro-rcna87694


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Learn more about Openmind: https://www.openmindt.com/

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Social Selling Podcast: https://www.j7media.com/fr/social-selling

Elite Commerce podcast: https://www.purecommerce.co/fr/podcast-commerce-elite

No Pay No Play Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/facebook-ads-on-parle-de-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ration-de-leads/id1447812708?i=1000607648614


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